Thursday, August 23, 2012

Hello World!

I used to be really good at keeping a journal. I wrote in one all throughout high school and even some college. I did the whole xanga thing for a while, too. But of course, when life changing events happen [getting engaged, getting married, having a kid] I stop writing. Go figure. I started thinking about how I need to write down stuff Meredith does or says... I try new recipes and want to remember them... I find myself being creative and need to document it... I do stupid/crazy/amazing things to myself or my house, yet I never write them down so I can cherish the memories later... and I'm hoping to end that now!

Example 1: Meredith is entering the "Why???" phase. I thought I had skipped over this phase completely [like we skipped the biting/hitting phase, thank the Lord], but I was wrong.  Everything is followed up with the same stinking question. Tonight she asked for  a sucker [it was in my purse... she knew it... we were at a friend's house... it was late] but I told her no and to put it back. "Why?" - because it's late and you don't need it. "Why?" - because it has a lot of sugar and it will make you crazy. "Why?" - because I said no and put it back... Then the "Why?" turns into that whiny/fit throwing sound of "WHHhhYyYYyYYY???" Yikes.  I know that this is a phase and it too shall pass, but Lord have mercy... it can wear ya down! :)

Example 2: I rearranged my living room and Meredith is stressed out over it. She kept saying we needed to put it back together. She pushed and pushed on the sofa telling me it needed to go "ober dare" [back to its original spot]. This morning I told her she could eat breakfast in the living room and when I set her table up in front of the couch [which is in the wrong newly placed spot] she couldnt' take it and I had to move it to the center of the room where the couch used to be. She is so much like me it's not funny. I had no clue that the change in the set up would throw her so much. [P.S. she doesn't like watching tv from the new angle either... well, good! maybe it will deter her from asking to watch so many shows]

Example 3: I am crazy. I know I have OCD tendencies and that my neurotic ways would make the most sane person crazy... but I vacuum daily/nightly... sometimes multiple times throughout the day depending on who was coming over what went on. Well... I can't figure out how I want my lines to go with my new LR set up. It's killing me. I vacuumed twice today - both different ways - to figure out how I want to do it. Yea.
Example 4: Last one. I promise. Billy's new job has allowed me to stay at home with Meredith & future children. I am so blessed and thankful for this new opportunity. I have day dreamed of this day and while there are still some questions and concerns - I know that this is the best decision for our family. God is showing us that too... I was offered a home bound student and I have at least 1 sub job per week lined up from here til November. How awesome is that?

Speaking of sub jobs - I have one this week and since I haven't been getting up before 8 or so - all stinking summer - I should probably go to bed. Yikes! :)

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