Friday, August 24, 2012

Cleaning Schedules...

Some people have work out schedules... some people have play date schedules... I have a cleaning schedule. :)
Monday- Kitchen
Tuesday- Living Room
Wednesday- Our Bedroom
Thursday- Meredith's Bedroom
Friday- All Bathrooms
Saturday & Sunday- Meal Plan & Relax. :)
I have a detailed list of what needs to be done in each room posted on my fridge and I stick to it nearly every week. I like knowing what needs to be done and I LOVE having a clean house. I have a few things that are done on a daily basis [1 load of laundry, unload/reload the dishwasher, wipe off kitchen counters, make beds, pick up & vacuum the living room {yes I vacuum daily... don't judge}], but the other stuff [dusting/upstairs vacuuming/etc] gets done on the day I clean that room. The first time I did each room it took a lot longer than I wanted it to... so I started stressing thinking it was going to take forever each time... but the next week it was soooo much quicker! I guess the deep cleaning part had been done so it was way easier the next go around. I try to get all my cleaning done first thing in the morning so that I can enjoy my day with Meredith... and also because once I put it off it's easy to forget about. Some days though I wait until nap time - it depends on the weather and what we have going on. When I sub at school I either clean that night when Meredith goes to bed or double up the next day. I vacuum the living room daily and Meredith is a huge helper - she picks things up and moves them for me every time I start vacuuming {insert my mom telling me to stop because I'm creating a monster here...}. lol

Today is Friday and it's bathroom day. the half bath is done and I'm procrastinating doing the 2 full baths... It's almost lunch time and I'm being a bad fun mom and letting Meredith play on my iPhone while I blog. We stayed home today [we were out late last night], but it's FRIDAY which means that when the Mr. gets home we have him for 2 full days! Mer & I love the weekends! <3 I also love the time and memories I'm making with my girl... vacuum monster helper and all!


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