Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Show & Tell Tuesday :)

Remember Sean Lowe? He was one of the guys Emily Maynard didn't pick on The Bachlorette... and then he became The Bachelor and picked/married Catherine. Anyway.... I follow his sister, Shay, on social media and love reading her blog! (That paragraph just made me laugh! "Will you pray for my sister's friend's cousin's dog? Thanks.") I was reading her blog today and saw that she's linking up with a fellow blogger to do Show & Tell Tuesday! Basically anyone who links up is asked to pick their Groundhog Day...you know, that day that you would pick to do over and over and over again (like the movie Groundhog Day).

I thought long and hard about this...because if I'm saying I would randomly do this day over and over again for the rest of my life, it needs to be a good one. I thought about picking my wedding day, which was amazing, or the day either of my children were born, because they were amazing as well.  I still remember the day Billy got the job as a pharmaceutical sales rep (the day he became my drug dealer, haha). I'll never forget it because that day allowed my dream of being a stay at home mom to come true. I swear that was one of the happiest days of my life. The day I became a Christian... the day we paid off our credit card debt... the day we signed the papers and became home owners... the day(s) when my babies first slept through the night, lol...  There's so many days I could pick!!! But I think a day that I would repeat over and over and over would be a typical Saturday spent with Billy & the kids. There would be some tweaks, but over all a full day spent with my family with nothing specific to do trumps most anything.

The kids would wake up at 8 (I told you there would be some tweaks... this is one of them. their 7am deal needs to go)... we'd make breakfast and be lazy. I'd clean and bake and the kids would play outside with Billy. We'd eat lunch outside and then we would all rest or take naps in the afternoon.  We'd wake and get ready and go out for dinner with friends- eating somewhere fun and kid friendly. We'd be loud and laugh and probably spill stuff. We'd finish up with ice cream and possibly Target. :) Once we're home & the kids are in bed, Billy & I would curl up with a glass of wine or a hot mug of coffee and watch a movie or play our favorite dice game, 10,000. We'd go to bed late and happy.

I realize none of that sounds glamorous or exciting, but I truly love days spent with my little family. Quality time. Time is so precious and my babies are growing up so quickly. They aren't babies anymore and I know this quality time with them is limited. We are a fairly busy family and typically have lots to do on the weekends. Between errands, birthday parties, Arbonne spas, work, and out of town trips to visit family we're booked up a lot of the time... and I always enjoy the weekends were we can just relax. and be renewed. and rest. and soak things up. 

What's your Groundhog day? :) 


If your'e wanting to join in on the Show & Tell Tuesday deal, here's the list! :) Have fun!