Saturday, October 13, 2012

Doc McStuffins anyone?

Meredith is obsessed. She loves Doc... she pretends to be Doc... alllll the time. She has a stuffed Lambie, a stuffed Stuffy the Dragon, and the Doc McStuffins doctors kit. So when we asked her what she wanted to be for Halloween... yep... Doc!

I needed the following:
*pink skirt
*pink converse shoes
*purple polka dotted leggings
*purple and white striped shirt
*white lab coat
*doctor's kit
*purple sparkly headband with flower
*pig tails :)

I currently have:
**sparkly headband (found online for $2.50)
**pink converse shoes (she had these anyway)
**purple & white striped shirt (she already had one... not exact, but it works!)
**doctor's kit (she already had that too... her Doc one was a potty training gift!)
**pig tails (with my kids hair, this will be easy!!)

I still need:
***purple polka dotted leggings
***pink skirt (I found one online at Old Navy for $6 but I'm going to see if they have it in the store before I pay for shipping)
***white lab coat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's the kicker. To buy one in the store requires spending $20+ dollars because it's an entire costume. I'm not interested in that. :) So.. to anyone reading this... if you have an lab coat in toddler size just lying around, I'd love to borrow it for October 31! :)

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Giving Credit Where Credit is Due...

Something that's been on my heart lately is that I'm super thankful with how the Lord is blessing us this year. He provided for us financially (and still is!)... He allowed Billy to find a job... a job that Billy really likes [thank goodness!!]... and a job that he's kicking butt in - so much that he got a "promotion" and is getting a permanent [ok is anything really permanent?] position with Forest... and we are just so thankful. He allowed me to stay at home with Meredith... He's blessed us with Phyllis, our child care provider while I was working full time and now when I sub... Speaking of that, He's blessed me with subbing jobs each week... He's providing and teaching and loving us... like He always had, but I was too blind to see.

A year ago I was angry with God & Billy... for so many personal reasons... only to finally realize that my issue was ME - I wanted control... I wanted MY plans... and when I finally stopped and allowed God HIS timing and HIS way [which is what I had been saying I wanted, but my heart wasn't following my words!]... everything fell into place.  THANK YOU LORD!! 

***Thank you also to my small group ladies for not being shy and instead pointing out my faults... for calling me out on my selfishness and my personal desires and encouraging me to TRULY seek God's will! I respect and value your friendship in my life more than you know.***

So... that's been on my heart. I'm trying to focus on what I'm blessed with instead of what I'm still without.. and my heart is full.


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

To Dye! :)

Thanks to Sarah Kline I feel like a new woman (her and the fact that I enjoyed a kid free morning that included a trip to starbucks for a nonfat, no whip salted caramel mocha and a trip to the J Crew clearance store (both of them!)) Now here's hoping I can style it tomorrow... ha!

~K... the newest brunette in town!~

To dye or not to dye...

What what was originally scheduled as a subbing day has turned into a mommy day. :) Usually I cancel with Phyllis if subbing gets changed/cancelled, but today, I didn't. I'm going at 12 to get my hair done and I want a change... not a length change, but a color one. :)

My inspirations:

I LOVE Natalie Portman's hair... it's what I want. I love that it's brown, but with caramel highlights to help me adjust to being brunette.

Jessica Biel's is what reminds me of how my hair would be - kinda. I don't necessarily have the curls at the bottom, but my hair hangs... no OOMPH in the roots... so this picture reminds me of my lack of oomph! :)

Elsa Pataki's hair is rich and gorgeous, but I'm not sure I'm brave enough. Yikes!

We'll see soon enough - Anddd... If I decide to go darker and hate it... hi-lites will ensue in a month or so! :)

On a completely different note - life has been lazy but is about to be a bit crazy. This weekend was wonderful. Dinner out on Friday (we got pizza at Ledo's), Billy went golfing Saturday morning and Meredith & I went to LRES's fall festival. Saturday afternoon was napped away by Meredith AND Me! I haven't taken a nap in ages so it felt wonderful!!! Then... I went out with some of my girl friends from small group on Saturday night. Sunday was cold and rainy, but after church we had lunch with Joe & Ash and then I went grocery shopping all by myself. Uhhh... that was a treat! :) Andy made us dinner Sunday night which meant no cooking for me... woohoo! :) See what I mean? It was a semi lazy weekend! :)

But... soon enough Billy will be leaving for New York for training and is only back for a couple of days before he heads off to LA for a week... which just makes for long days for mama. :) It's ok though... I'm just thankful I'm not working out side the home this go around - it makes for less stressful evenings that's for sure! [Coming home after working with 20, 9 year olds all day only to make dinner and clean up and play with a 2 year old... then bathe her... and fight her going to bed... and then still have to grade papers, do laundry and clean a little...only to get up and do it again is wayyyy more stressful than getting up and getting the cleaning/laundry stuff done throughout the day and [and play too!!!] - even when she's cranky and fit-throwish... it's just fact!! lol]

Okie Dokie... I'm off to run a few errands and get my hurr did... :) I'll post pictures later! :)


Thursday, October 4, 2012

Ramblings :)

1. I love making traditions with Meredith. The most current? The Virginia State Fair. We've been 3 years in a row and I look forward to it every fall. It's so much fun and has only gotten better as Meredith's gotten older. 

2. I miss my dog when he's not here. I didn't miss him when I went to my moms for 12 days. I didn't miss him when we went to Colorado for a week. But... when I'm home... and he isn't...I miss him. Meredith does too.

3. I like subbing a lot. I may never go back to full time teaching. I may "full time substitute" when my kiddos are in school full time. :)

4. I like subbing, but I'm lazy and I'd rather be home. hahaha! I was very thankful that my 2 days a week were up on Wednesday - :)

5. Meredith likes playing hide and seek. A lot. It's exhausting.

6. Billy's going to LA for the "launch" of a new drug with his company and I'm insanely jealous.

7. The Daniels' clan is sick. I have congestion and a scratchy throat. Meredith has a snotty nose & a cough. Billy has sinus junk. We're a mess.

8. I found a new love in life. I'm not sure how I ever survived without it. Honey Vanilla Chamomile tea with a splash of cream please.

9. I'm going out with my small group girls on Saturday night and I'm pretty dang excited. 

10. Sam is going to have a baby. Very soon. I'm anxiously waiting for the call or message letting us know it's time. :)

11. I'm teaching Meredith to pray throughout the day - not just before meals and bed. It's so amazing to watch her realize it can happen at any time and ask to pray. <3

12. She's also becoming quite the story teller. In more ways than one.. hmm..

13.  I need a new hair dryer. I want my sisters. That's not a hint, Kate. :)

14. Meredith has a sun dress (it's way too big for her) that she loves wearing around the house. Every time she asks to put it she mentions being Sharon when wearing it. I asked her Sharon who... "Cha Cha Sharon Mom!"... So weird.

15. Her birthday is in 26 days. She'll be 3. oh my lanta I'm going to have a 3 year old. 

I think that's all the ramblings for today. Have a great afternoon. :)
