Thursday, October 4, 2012

Ramblings :)

1. I love making traditions with Meredith. The most current? The Virginia State Fair. We've been 3 years in a row and I look forward to it every fall. It's so much fun and has only gotten better as Meredith's gotten older. 

2. I miss my dog when he's not here. I didn't miss him when I went to my moms for 12 days. I didn't miss him when we went to Colorado for a week. But... when I'm home... and he isn't...I miss him. Meredith does too.

3. I like subbing a lot. I may never go back to full time teaching. I may "full time substitute" when my kiddos are in school full time. :)

4. I like subbing, but I'm lazy and I'd rather be home. hahaha! I was very thankful that my 2 days a week were up on Wednesday - :)

5. Meredith likes playing hide and seek. A lot. It's exhausting.

6. Billy's going to LA for the "launch" of a new drug with his company and I'm insanely jealous.

7. The Daniels' clan is sick. I have congestion and a scratchy throat. Meredith has a snotty nose & a cough. Billy has sinus junk. We're a mess.

8. I found a new love in life. I'm not sure how I ever survived without it. Honey Vanilla Chamomile tea with a splash of cream please.

9. I'm going out with my small group girls on Saturday night and I'm pretty dang excited. 

10. Sam is going to have a baby. Very soon. I'm anxiously waiting for the call or message letting us know it's time. :)

11. I'm teaching Meredith to pray throughout the day - not just before meals and bed. It's so amazing to watch her realize it can happen at any time and ask to pray. <3

12. She's also becoming quite the story teller. In more ways than one.. hmm..

13.  I need a new hair dryer. I want my sisters. That's not a hint, Kate. :)

14. Meredith has a sun dress (it's way too big for her) that she loves wearing around the house. Every time she asks to put it she mentions being Sharon when wearing it. I asked her Sharon who... "Cha Cha Sharon Mom!"... So weird.

15. Her birthday is in 26 days. She'll be 3. oh my lanta I'm going to have a 3 year old. 

I think that's all the ramblings for today. Have a great afternoon. :)


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