Wednesday, October 23, 2013


I have a lot on my mind this morning. Random things. And to help me get them all out, I'm writing about them on here. Feel free to make fun of my ramblings. :)

1) I'm selling Arbonne. It's a botanically based, organic (vegan actually) skin care line that's AHHH-MAZING. I never thought I'd be a part of network marketing because I'm easily annoyed by people asking me to host parties etc... but the products are awesome and the business plan is like none other. So, I'm giving it a try. If I've asked you to host a spa event for me and you've be super kind & an awesome friend and said yes, then know it means more than you could ever imagine and know that I'll never ask you to do it again. If I've asked you and you've said no, or you've ignored me... well it's totally fine (I've been there, done that), but know that when I'm making money and my skin looks awesome, I'll be sure to let you know. :) lol. Just kidding!!! (or am I?!) But seriously...

2) My kids are sick. Colds. Meredith is a little congested and sneezy. Micah is snotty, drooly, and a little cranky. Yuck.

3) My childhood friend, Tiffany, is in town for an intensive at Liberty and came over for dinner last night. We spent about 3 hours catching up and laughing about old times. I loved it. I'm trying to talk her into coming over for dinner again on Thursday. :)

4) Our college life group is going well. We have loved getting to know everyone and learning with them. They have started calling me mom - and while it's cute and funny - it's a reminder that I'm old. Yuck.

5) Meredith is going to be a mermaid for Halloween. Micah is going to be a tiger. roarrrr...

6) My friend Brooke went back to work full time this week. Micah and I miss her and Camden. *sniff

7) Meredith will be 4 in a week. 4. 4 years old. When did she grow up? We're having her birthday party at the pumpkin patch this Sunday. :) I'm excited.

8) Preschool has been amazing for Meredith. She comes home singing songs, telling me Bible stories, writing letters, talking about playing on the play ground, tattling on things her friends did... she loves her teachers and learning and the independence it gives her. She LOVES going and asks to go daily. She knows her days of the week now and know that if it's Tuesday or Thursday she gets to go. lol. Bless her heart.

9) I need to deep clean. I did it not too long ago, but I really need to scrub my floors (all of them) and clean my windows... ughhh..

10) I really want to white wash my fireplace. I've been talking about doing it for ages.

11) My yard is covered in leaves. It's super cold this week. It's fall. Andddd I kind of like it a lot. :)

There's a lot more, but Micah is letting it be known that he needs me. :) Have a wonderful day. Oh! And if you want to know more about Arbonne, email me. :) lol

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