Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Laboring after Labor Day :)

Labor Day weekend was wonderful. We went to Billy's parents house and had a blast with our family and friends! Donna & Phil came with us {apparently they love my in laws as much as they love them! lol}!! We weren't together the whole time though. They went shopping on Saturday while we went to the pool and were lazy at the house. We did enjoy grilling out all together and church and games. Donna, Hailey, & I went running TWICE on Saturday- once earlyyy in the morning and then again later that night. Those are the times when I wish I lived so much closer...

I'm subbing today {for my bestie Judith.. her grandfather passed away on Saturday} and enjoying being back with the kiddos. I will admit that I don't miss the prep work though. I met her at school last night and spent a few hours helping her get stuff together and organized... Yea - don't miss that part! lol  I'm just thankful that the Lord is blessing me with a few subbing jobs to help us figure out this new life style with 1 income. :)

Have I mentioned that I love my sister-in-law-to-be? I realize she's younger than me, but you would never know it. I always worried about who Chad would marry... I wanted that person to be like a sister- not just some chick I have to spend time with at family functions. I also worried because whoever he married would be an Aunt to Meredith and I'm pretty picky about stuff like that, lol. Also, let's be honest - I was the only girl for so long... Sharing was going to be weird/hard {especially if the girl was psycho/mean/rude/snobbish/shy etc} and not to be mean, but Chad hasn't always had the best track record for girlfriends. But... I love Hailey. I have loved getting to know her... I have loved getting closer to her... and I have loved knowing I get to have another "sister". {Let me insert here that nothing can or will ever change the relationship I have with you Katie Kelley! I love you more than life itself and nothing can change that. xo} But spending time with Hailey this weekend {also let me insert that she & Chad ditched a weekend at the beach to stay in Richmond this weekend to spend time with us. yea.} was great and... another reminder that there are times I wished we lived a lot closer.

Speaking of my sister- I'M GOING HOME FOR 12 DAYS ON FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Oh my lanta I am so stinking excited. I haven't been home for longer than 5/6 days in what feels like years {it really might have been that long. fo ril}. I'm getting sad about leaving Billy, but he decided to make that easier on me... he's coming to visit too! :) He's coming the 2nd weekend that I'm there... Gosh I love that man. <3 It's Katie's birthday weekend and I haven't been with her on her birthday in years - literally... plus 2 family/sunday dinners... Seeing my high school best friend's new born baby {come on Baby Carly!!!}... Fresh Seafood... Happy Buffet... Beach... MEGAN & COLTON & SELAH ARE COMING TOOOO!!!!... Time with family and friends... a hair cut for Meredith... relaxing. I. AM. SO EXCITED. AND. CAN. NOT. WAIT. TO. GET. THERE.  the end. :)

Ok. Here's a few snapshots of our weekend... Then I'm done. Have a great week!
So excited about going to the "big pool"... she was determined to carry her noodle too! :)

You don't even wanna know... but this was from Donna & Phil as an inside joke, lol. :) Proudly wearing it though for game night!

She had to stop playing for a few minutes to check her messages and catch up on twitter. :)
So stinking cute & proud to be on her own in the big pool!

cheeeeese! :)

Date night with Chad & Hailey. We FINALLY went to Chipotle... just not the one in Lynchburg. :)

Hailey said it was a moment to capture... Me & Chipotle. It did NOT disappoint!



  1. Sounds like a busy, fun one! Those full weekends are wonderful but the planning for them can make you crazy! :)

    1. Amen! :) It'd definitely worth it though. I'm more stressed about packing/organizing to go to my moms for 12 days- yikes!
