I have an adorable 18 month old little boy for sale. He comes with a blanket, stuffed animal, pacifier, and I'll even throw in the car seat. He'll have a bag packed full of clothes and socks and shoes and of course I'll have another bag full of trucks and trains. Best offer wins.
Pros: He'll snuggle you all the time. He loves to eat and isn't very picky about what he eats. He loves bath time and will entertain himself for a long time in the tub. He takes good naps [most of the time], plays well with others, drinks almond milk and water, and will hug you super tight. He'll leave his mark [of drool] all of your house and get super (gasping) excited every time he sees food or a new toy. He is starting to learn new words and will repeat them over and over and over. He has dimples for daysssss and has the most adorable smile ever. <3
Cons: Hes a drama KING. He will throw anything & everything he can grab when he's angry. He will even throw himself on the floor. He is super snotty. Literally. Snot is pouring off of this kids face and I wipe it every 2 minutes. He poops. A lot. All the time. and hates having his diaper changed. speaking of that - he hates having his diaper changed so he flails around every.single.time screaming at you until you're done. He doesn't like socks. He takes his left shoe & sock off in the car every time you put him in his car seat. just the left one though - the right sock & shoe stay put. He is obsessed with his paci even though he only [ok usually only] gets it at sleep times and sometimes in the car if its a long trip. He finds them though. and screams until you hide it or give it to him. If you hide it he screams because he can't find it. and then throws himself on the floor. and pulls his sock off. and throws that.
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