I'm going to pour my heart out a little, but I'm going to do it quickly... Micah & Meredith are both napping, but since that never seems to happen simultaneously anymore, I figure one of them will wake up as soon as I get to the good part... so I'll make it snappy.
My name is Kristin Daniels and I compare myself to other people/women/wives/moms and I also judge myself and them based on how I do things or wish I did things.
Do you vaccinate? Did you do a delayed schedule? Are you breastfeeding? Do you ever leave your baby over night? Do you and your husband have regular date nights? Do you work outside the home? Do you grocery shop with coupons? Do you spoil your kids with toys? Are you thinking about going back to work? Do you let your baby sleep in the bed with you? Do you like your baby cry it out?
Whatever your answers to these questions - GOOD. FOR. YOU! You are a rockstar mom/dad/friend/wife/husband/sister/brother... whatever... and the decisions you make for your family/self are, I'm sure, the best decision based on your circumstances. In light of eternity the only thing of true importance is: Are you serving the Lord and seeking His will... and are you sharing Him with others?
My jealousy/comparing/judging issues are absurd and I'm trying my best to be confident in who I am, the decisions I make, and the way I take care of my family. There are people who think they'll do it differently... or people who judge the way someone raises their child or treats their spouse... and I'm going to try to NOT be that person. I'm thankful God chose me to raise my kids and be a wife to Billy... and I have a lot of room for improvement, but doing it because someone else does it better, or because someone else thinks I'm crazy/silly... well that's not reason enough to change.
My name is Kristin Daniels and I'm trying my hardest to live my life the way the Lord would have me live it - flaws, craziness, awkwardness, and all.
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