Am I doing this right? Am I hugging my kids enough? Am I disciplining enough? Am I too hard on Meredith? Am I too easy on her? Am I playing with them enough? Am I showing enough attention to my husband? Am I doing my job as a stay-at-home-mom well? Am I as good as _________ (insert a wife or mom's name here)? Do I look like I have this under control? These thoughts overwhelm my mind all. the. time.
Then I start justifying my answers with: If I had more money I'd do things differently. If I had family around, I'd do this. If...
So recently in my search for contentment, I'm trying to prioritize & focus. I'm a type A, anal, ocd person & like things done certain ways on certain days etc. I like a clean house and I like clean, fresh laundry, and I like to look and feel put together... But guess what I've learned since having Micah? It doesn't always happen. :)
So instead of feeling frantic and frustrated because my tubs didn't get scrubbed on Friday morning or I didn't get to dust Micah & Meredith's bedroom on Wednesday morning... I'm prioritizing and accomplishing the important things.
Try it. It's liberating. :)
1. Clean Kitchen before bed.
2. Snuggle Micah and Meredith every day.
3. Kiss Billy when he comes home daily.
4. Cook some sort of meal every night during the week.
5. Get kids in bed at the same time so I have time with Billy.
6. Vacuum.
7. Find time for devotions daily.
8. Find time for coffee daily.
9. Drink wine if everything goes wrong. hahaha
While that's just a randomly put together list - it's mostly the true. My house is usually clean. My laundry pile isn't too overwhelming. My family is fed. My kids are loved... those other nitty gritty things can wait til tomorrow... or the next day.
What are your priorities?
Great list! I have much the same!