I read a few blogs the other day where people had written about themselves "from A to Z" - I thought it was cute.
Then, while subbing yesterday, the kids had to do something very similar... so I figured I'd give it a try. I'm pretty sure my sister would make it way more interesting/funny, but here goes:
A- Anal. I'm pretty anal about a lot of things. :( I like my bed made as soon as I get up. I like for the bathroom to be hair free - all the time. I like my kitchen sinks to be empty at all times (that's what a dishwasher is for, lol). I liked my desks in straight lines. I want paper clips to be in the center of the stack of papers being held together. Yea... the list goes on.
B- Billy. :) He's my Mr. and I love him.
C- Clean Freak. I am a clean freak... Maybe I should say clutter freak? I like my house to look organized/neat/clean/clutter free pretty much all the time... and I have a 2 almost 3-year-old. Yikes!
D- Duke. Duke Daniels has been with us for 4 years now and while he drives me insane - I don't know what I would if something ever happened to him. :(
E- Egg salad. I love Egg salad. My mom used to make it for me when I was in school and even though it stunk up the whole classroom, I LOVED eating it. Hmm... maybe I'll make it for Meredith & I tomorrow. :)
F- Frozen Yogurt. Lynchburg has a bazillion froyo places. My favorite is Bloop. It's super creamy and über healthy and delicious... I have turned my daughter in to a frozen yogurt freak as well. She'll eat all her broccoli on her place if she thinks she gets ice cream afterwards! :)
G- God. I am a follower of God and I don't know where I'd be without Him.
H- Hugger. I am a hugger...
I- iPhone. I'm addicted to it. I got one a year ago and don't know what I'll do if I ever have to give it up.
J- Jealous. I can be a jealous person at times. especially over clothes/shoes/purses... It's a sinful habit and I'm getting better, but I still struggle at times. :(
K- Katie. She's my sister, but also my best friend. I'm pretty sure I think she's the most hilarious person I know...even though she probably isn't. :) I'm also often jealous of her. lol.
L- Loud. I'm Loud. When I talk... when I whisper... The end.
M- Meredith. Meredith Kate Daniels. She's my buddy and I love every single second I get to spend with her. Why's and all! :)
N- NOSEY!!! I am a very, very, very, very nosey person. At least I admit it, right???
O- Outgoing. I'm a pretty outgoing person... I like making new friends and getting to know people. :)
P- Pinterest. I LOOOOVE Pinterest!!! :)
Q- Quick trips to the store sans Meredith Kate. :)
R- Restaurants... I love eating out. I especially love eating out without Meredith. I love trying new places & new food. Billy has become a little more adventurous throughout the years, so it's even more fun now. Sidenote - if we eat out with Meredith, then I prefer loud restaurants, lol. :)
S- SUMMER!!! I love summer time. Everyone always wishes for fall or snow, but I love sunshine, summer, pools, laying out, lemonade, sunscreen, pony tails, flip-flops... all things summer!
T- Teacher. I am a teacher... er I was anyway. :) I still am... I'm just taking time off from the classroom setting and instead teaching Meredith Kate for now. I do love teaching though - and kids.
U- U makes me think of underwear which reminds me of Christmas, lol. We always get new underwear at Christmas and mom tries super hard to make sure it's what we'll like. :) I will be continuing this tradition with Meredith this Christmas and she'll be receiving new underoos as well! :)
V- Vacations. I love taking vacations. Mini or big. Meredith has thrown a loop into that world, but the older she gets the better they are. I also enjoy taking mini vacas with the Mr. We recently went to Williamsburg for the weekend and ate lots of yummy food, went shopping, went to Busch Gardens, got a massage... it was wonderful weekend and slightly needed. :)
W- Working out. I always love working out. Finding the time is the hard part. :( I have opted to do living room workouts. I have a great Nike app on my phone that has some easy and some super intense workouts that I use... I also like trying new videos. Suggestions anyone?
X- X? I can't think of a thing for x except for x-rays & xerox machines. both are boring.
Y- Yogurt... I found a new fav. Yoplait honey vanilla..yummmm! Also, I hate fruit chunks in my yogurt. that's all. :)
Z- Z reminds me of zoo.. and my favorite zoo animal is the giraffe! :)
That's it. That's a little snippit of me - A-Z :)